Developing Leadership Skills – Discipline – Day One

What leadership skills should you develop? This week we’ll look at five leadership skills along with some practical tips to develop them. Today we’re looking at developing discipline.

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Good day and welcome to the leading with nice daily my name is Mathieu Yuill and today. This week we are actually talking about how to develop your leadership skills. This is a question I get asked quite a bit, but to be honest it’s, it’s not really a simple answer because leadership is something you can definitely learn. But what are the skills you need to develop? So this week what we’re going to do is talk about five different leadership skills and how you can develop them. So the first one I want to talk today is about learning discipline. And this is often a tough one. It was a tough one for me. And it’s something that continue to work on as a leader. Discipline is so important because it oftentimes your emotions or some other force will want to bring you in a certain direction. But the discipline is what will keep you true to your goal and your outcome.

So the question is really how do you build discipline? Because you probably know people that are just so good at it and, and perhaps they grew up like I have a friend who grew up playing profession or organized sports and so you put him on a team and he’s a leader by profession today. And he just is so great at like keeping himself disciplined. But I did not have that same kind of training as a young person. So what I do now as an adult, and this is just my tip you can try it, is I actually made a new year’s resolution every year. And I know people are like oh resolutions, but I do really simple ones. So for example, last year my resolution was to make my bed every day. And other times it’s been something like write a thank you card once a week. One year I only took stairs in subway stations and it just teaches you discipline teaches you habit. And if you can do that small task, you can probably do other ones. That’s all for today. For more on this topic. Visit where we want to help you inspire others, build loyalty, and get results. Talk to you again tomorrow.