Transparency and honesty are important today because employees expect it. Failing to be transparent is not something you can really afford to do today as a leader.
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Good Day and welcome to the leading with nice daily my name is Mathieu Yuill in this week we’re talking about leadership and honesty. Now, yesterday we talked about integrity. Today I want to talk about transparency and the reason why honesty and transparency as they relate to each other are so important. Employees today want to know if things are bad, if they’re bad and they don’t know, they will find out and take more action to hurt the company by leading, by not trying as hard as trying to cash their chips before you are ready for it. Now, I’m not suggesting if you’re going to close a section or lay off a bunch of people, you should be, you know so far ahead of that. That is not by all at what I’m saying. There needs to be good strategy and thoughtfulness and of course there’s law around that as well too.
But what I’m suggesting is if the company is not doing well and things need to be made tighter, you need to be transparent around all the things you did. So if you are still going to be taking all your benefits, but you’re asking others to tighten your belt, you should have a good reason and be transparent with why you’re going to take all those benefits. Also, if you’re not happy with what’s been happening and you don’t have the answer today, transparency is you asking people that work around you, your closest confidence at work to say, can you please give me some honest feedback? I need a dose of self-awareness. That’s all for today. For more on this topic, visit where we want to help you inspire others, build loyalty and get results talk to you again tomorrow