Leading In A Four Gen Workplace – Day Five

The newest generation to enter the workforce is Gen Z. But they aren’t working for you, they’re working for their mission and if you don’t align, well then they’ll be gone. How do you help this generation be their best at work? Today we discuss some ideas.

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Good day and welcome to the leading with nice daily. It’s Friday. So that means it’s the last day of our discussion on leading a four gen workplace. And today we’re going to talk about the newest members of our workforce. And that’s gen Z. Now the thing I love about gen Z is, you know, as managers and directors and CEOs, we used to be really sneaky and checkout, you know, applicants check out their social prowess profiles and check them out online. Well guess what, gen Z has already done this to your organization. And what they’re looking for is they want to find out if they’re aligned to your mission, they want to find out is what you’ve done in the past is worthy of them working with you. You know, it is a buyer’s market for employees. There are 1.4 million vacancies. Then there are people to fill them.

This group knows this, and so they’re looking for a place that they agree with these people, this generation, they don’t quit jobs. They quit you. They will quit. The people that do not align with their mission anymore. You know, they love when you give feedback and guess what? They will give you feedback whether you like it or not. They want to be checked in every day and have regular weekly meetings, but don’t want micromanagement. They want to fix things on their own. You know, if they don’t think you’re doing your job well, they’ll probably YouTube how to  video and how to do your job and either do themselves or tell you how to do it. There’s so much on this topic. I’d love to help you and your organization work better and lead a four gen workplace with such great efficiency and care and greatness. That’s all for today though. For more on this topic, visit leaningwithnice.com where we want to help you and your team inspire others, build loyalty and get results. Talk to you again next week.