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What To Do When Your Message Isn’t Getting Results
In this week’s video, we mine a few great tips about communication and messaging from our podcast conversation with birthing nurse Hanna Murray.
Pursuing Your Passion with Hanna Murray
Hanna Murray, a labour, delivery and postpartum nurse and doula, stopped by the podcast to chat about the importance of pursuing your passions and never losing sight of your goals.
Making Friends With Strangers
I was fortunate to have front row seats to a great leadership education by way of my father. Unfortunately, he passed away a few years ago, but left behind several great lessons in being a leader. In this week’s video, I share what I learned by seeing him make friends of strangers.
Being Indigenous and a Storyteller
Drew Hayden Taylor stopped by our podcast last summer to discuss what it’s like to be Indigenous and a storyteller in 2021. We dig a little deeper into our conversation with him in this week’s video.
The Business of Being Safe with Tyler Foley
Tyler Foley stops by the podcast to talk about why investing in health and safety training at your workplace might be the most profitable thing you do.
You Screwed Up, Now What?
Podcast guest Donald G. James uses personal experience to provide invaluable advice on how to both act and react when facing the music at work.
Think Like a High Schooler
This week’s video is all about re-learning how to think like you did in high school to get ahead in your career today. Sounds strange, right? It’s not!
Investing in Transparency to Build Trust with Tim Nash
Tim Nash, founder of Good Investing, stopped by the Leading With Nice Interview Series podcast to discuss building trust through transparency.
The Chief of Play with Aiden Hepburn
Aiden Hepburn, Toys”R”Us Canada’s official Chief Play Officer (CPO), shares with us how he came to the role, his process for play and what the future holds for the young toy expert.