How to Overcome Adversity

How to Overcome Adversity

Drive-by shooting survivor Brandon Peacock made quite the impression with the Leading With Nice team when we interviewed him for our podcast. This week’s video is inspired by the second of our two-part conversation with Brandon. In Part 1, we learned about how...
The Power of Team

The Power of Team

We recently spoke with Brandon Peacock on the Leading With Nice Interview Series podcast. Brandon was walking into a barbershop one day when he was shot three times. It was a case of mistaken identity and it could have killed him — if not physically impaired him for...
The Hidden Secret of Your 4 Gen Workplace

The Hidden Secret of Your 4 Gen Workplace

For the first time in our history, we work in a four-generation workplace alongside baby boomers, Generation X, millennials and Generation Z employees. We all need to take advantage of this incredible opportunity. Clint Pulver, the Undercover Millennial, stopped by...
Time Management Doesn’t Exist

Time Management Doesn’t Exist

How many time management workshops do we need to sit through before we realize that it’s actually just a myth? We recently had Fred Moore on the Leading With Nice Interview Series podcast. As a professional speaker, Fred has delivered thousands of workshops on...